LGBTQ+ Inclusion + Support

UNEMSA is committed to embracing diversity and eliminating all forms of discrimination in medical and tertiary education. We welcome all people irrespective of ethnicity, lifestyle choice, faith, sexual orientation and gender identity, and celebrate diversity, individuality, and equality.

UNEMSA is a proud member of ACON’s Welcome Here Project, and the med common room is a designated safe space at the university for all LGBTQ+ people.

We support ACON’s IDAHOBIT and Wear It Purple Days each year. To find out more about our pride initiatives, please contact our Wellbeing Officer.

LGBTQ+ Support Resources

There are a number of LGBTQ+ support services available both nationwide and specifically to residents of NSW.

  • ACON is a global leader in community health, inclusion and HIV responses for people of diverse sexualities and genders.

  • Minus18 provides peer support, runs events, and provides resources for LGBTQ+ youth.

  • Twenty10 incorporating GLCS NSW works with people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and gender diverse, intersex, questioning, queer, asexual and more, LGBTIQA+ people and others of diverse genders and sexualities, their families and communities.

  • QLife provides Australia-wide anonymous, LGBTI peer support and referral for people wanting to talk about a range of issues including sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships.