First Incision 2017

First Incision 2017 Banner

First Incision is the first major event held by UNEMSA for the year, with strong representation from all year groups.

The evening begins with a forum in the School of Rural Medicine lecture theatre, where sponsors have the opportunity to address students and provide an informative, promotional talk. Following this, attendees move outside to visit the Sponsors’ tables, where they can sample products and seek out more information.

The evening then moves to Booloominbah, the historic University of New England homestead. Here, students can meet and greet Sponsors, as well as a wide variety of medical students from all year groups. Canapés and refreshments will be served throughout the night. Some nice tunes will be playing too, thanks to our resident DJs.

After attending a forum at the school of rural medicine, the first year medical students made their way to the Boolomimbah where they joined students from other year levels for a great night of socialising, dancing and getting to know each other. Many new friendships were made, and all students had the opportunity to start their academic year off with a bang.

Click here to view photos from the event.